Neo - Vintage Lesson

Neo - Vintage

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  • Hi Folks!

    Here I am with a 6/8 bluesy theme called "Neo-Vintage" of course the name is a joke, I created this song with an old characteristics but I am using some modern concepts as you can see and hear in the solo section, it is like going back to the 60s and using some Jumping Tapping licks - that's why I thought the name would be funny.

    Now enough with the silliness, lets get the to the structure of the song: I start with "A|F#m7" classic I VI and I have it in the videos 1 and 2, then we move to the 2nd part which is "Bm|C#m|D Maj7|Dm7|E7(5 Aug)", and after this point you have the chorus "A|D|F#m7|E/G#|A|D|" finishing in " F#m7|E|D|" and D|E where I play some lines in the Lydian feel.

    As you can see I am playing all the time in the key of "A", the scales presented here are:
    "A" Major (Ionian), A7 Pentatonic, F#m7 Pentatonic and I am using some bluesy licks followed by slides, slide bends, there are moments where I play Sweep over a F#m7 Arpeggio followed by a tapping lick over a F#m7 pentatonic, you can expect also some Jump tapping licks over F#m7. I would say the level of difficulty of the bluesy licks can be the same as the technical parts like the Jump tapping lick, or the arpeggio in F#m7, so I suggest you to learn the parts separately and practice the licks in a tempo that is comfortable to you and increase until you reach the speed of the song.

    That's it! Now it is time to grab your guitar and be ready for some serious "Neo-Vintage" style of rock blues ballad.


    Guitar used:
    Fender Stratocaster USA
    Strings: Dean Markley Blue Steel 0.10
    Effect: I used Guitar Rig 4 the chain was guitar + Focusrite 24 pro + iMac in to my Cubase 5, and to get this sound I used the preset called Stevie Rhythm ( Stevie Ray Vaughan) with the Delay from Cubase plugins called "MonoDelay" and here is what I´ve changed there to get this sound on the solo guitar: Delay/1/4, Feedback/6.0, Mix/05.0.

    Tempo: 114 bpm

    Key: A

    Recording Gear:

    Cubase 5
    Guitar Rig 4
    iMac 27

    I hope you enjoy this lesson - all the best, Thiago.
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