Chowy's Hot Licks Lesson

Chowy's Hot Licks: Pentatonic Fusion

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  • Hello GMC'ers! Sometimes we use the pentatonic in a quite bluesy way till we get to the point of wondering what else we can do with it. In this example, I'm trying to do exactly that--thinking and creating pentatonic melodies and passages for you to train your imagination using different techniques. I like using hybrid picking, especially in the fast scale-run of this lesson. It's a pretty interesting way of exploring, since it gives the phrasing a more rhythmic feeling, and more freedom to skip strings.

    From the B minor pentatonic, we switch to D Lydian. That is when melody section of the exercise occurs, which lets the song "breathe", after everything we played previously. In the end, we change (modulation) to Bb maj7 and play a little lick with tapping in the Bb Lydian scale, including a chromaticism with transition notes belonging to that scale.

    * D - G - C - F - A - D
    (From thick to thin string)
    * One Whole Step Down

    B minor

    B minor 7 - D 5 - E/Ab - E 5 - Bb maj7

    * Pentatonic licks
    * Creation Of Melodies
    * Hybrid picking
    * Tapping
    * Legato
    * String Skipping
    * Bends
    * Vibrato

    * B Minor Pentatonic
    * D Lydian Scale
    * B Minor Apreggio
    * Bb Lydian Scale

    If you have any questions:
    * Give feedback (upper-right-corner)
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    ROCK & ROLL!/ Chowy

    B Minor Pentatonic

    D Lydian Scale

    B Minor Apreggio

    Bb Lydian Scale

    --> More Metal Lessons!

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