Lesson Series: “0 To 60, An Introduction to Alternate Picking” - Lesson 62

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Todd Simpson
Todd Simpson

LESSON #62 - Quadruple Picking!

Let’s add “Quadruple Picking” technique to our back of licks/tricks. This is very simply, four pick strokes per note. This will help you with your ‘Inside and Outside Picking”, and your “Alternate Picking”. This lesson is all about PRECISION. Not so much about speed. As they say....

“Speed is a byproduct of precision”.

Let’s warmup and get started.

Do our usual Finger Yoga and warmup your hand/arm. Avoid Carpal Tunnel Syndrome! Here is the link for the Finger Yoga Video again.

Here is a preview of what this lesson will sound like once you have it down: Lesson62A_example.mp3 ( 1.3MB )

We are going to use our “Sweep Shapes” from a previous lesson to leverage time you have already invested learning them. Hopefully, this will let you focus on the picking and less on the shape.
Here is a preview of what this will sound like. It’s based on the backing we have been working with so it should be familiar.

Here is the Guitar Pro 5 File for our First Shape: 62a.gp5 ( 1.55K )


Here is the Guitar Pro 5 File for our Second Shape: 62B.gp5 ( 1.53K )


Here is the Guitar Pro 5 File for our Third Shape: 62c.gp5 ( 1.53K )


Here is the Guitar Pro 5 File for our Fourth Shape: 62d.gp5 ( 1.53K )


  • Here is a link to the backing without the quad pick lead for you to download and practice with.


As a bonus, let’s work on improvising just a bit. Here is a backing track made with an iPod app called GROOVE MAKER (Rock Pack). Here is a link about the software. It’s great for having backings ready to go. (Sadly there is no PC version yet just runs on iphone/ipod/ipad)


This is a link to the backing.


This backing is in E and has a Minor feel to it. So E Minor, E Harmonic Minor, E Pentatonic, etc. will all sound great. We have tons of licks that we’ve covered that will work well on this backing. Let’s review a few.