Kiko Loureiro Licks Lesson

Kiko Loureiro Licks

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  • Hi GMC!

    Welcome to this new lesson!

    In this one, I’ll share with you some phrases inspired by the amazing guitarist Kiko Loureiro. He is a Brazilian guitarist who played in Angra, and that nowadays plays in Megadeth. He is mostly a metal guitarist, but his style is very unique since he mixes brazilian music, fusion and other stuff with metal. Some of his main influences are Steve Vai, Paul Gilbert, Joe Satriani, John Petrucci and Allan holdsworth.

    Kiko is a very technical guitarist who can master all metal techniques, but he has a killer sense of groove, dynamics, tone and melody. All these elements are very balanced in this playing and that makes Kiko one of the most amazing guitarists in the world today.

    In this lesson, I’ve recorded 8 lydian phrases inspired by his latest album called “Open Source”. The idea is to cover his approach to phrasing and some of his most used techniques.

    The key is C lydian, and the chord progression is:

    | C5 | C5 | E5 | E5 | (Phrases 1 & 2)
    | C5 | C5 | D5 | D5 | (Phrases 3 to 8)

    To record guitars, I’ve used Neural DSP Archetype Plini with the following settings:

    Download all my Neural DSP’s presets HERE.

    Scale used:

    Ok friends, let’s get into the phrases!

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