Days Of Confusion: Meta Lesson

Days Of Confusion: Meta

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  • Good day to you GMC'ers!

    I am very honored to present the first official 'Days of Confusion' or Aria as some of you may have known my band before we decided to change the name. The song presented in this lesson - called 'Meta' - is our single and it also has an official video which I have spoke a bit about in the forums. If you are curious, check out some more about it here.

    The song is about being your true self and not letting yourself get corrupted by the external factors which will constantly try to bend or break you throughout your life. Now, regarding the style of the music, we are basically a modern metal band, having some alternative and progressive influences. I'm also taking care of the vocals as you will notice in the main video above and if you follow the spoken part of this lesson, I will provide some insights regarding my journey of dealing with playing the guitar and singing in the same time, a technique/approach which I am currently developing.

    If you like the song and the lesson, check out more about my band by accessing the links in my forum signature.

    If you can play this tune, you will be one step closer to mastering stuff such as:

    - Tight rhythm skills
    - Alternate picking, down picking
    - String skipping
    - Orchestration in the style of Days of Confusion
    - Mixing power chords, octaves and melodies
    - Insights on singing and playing the guitar in the same time (check out the spoken video)

    Homework included - check out the video part 12!

    Tempo: 146 BPM

    Scale: C minor

    Tuning: Drop C - C G C F A D

    Time signature: 4/4

    Tone settings: We have used a combination between a Mesa Boogie Roadking and a Crate Blue Voodoo 120 - Lead channels for the overdriven parts and clean channels for the clean parts. The melodies were boosted with a Suhr Shiba Drive pedal and all the effects were added in the DAW.

    Guitar: PRS Paul Allender and Gibson Les Paul Standard

    Effects: DAW added delay and reverb

    Check out other GMC lessons based on Days of Confusion songs appearing on our EP:
    Days of Confusion - Seeds1, Days of Confusion - Seeds2, Days of Confusion - Faceless, Days of Confusion - Grace1, Days of Confusion - Grace2

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