Chops Builder Lesson

Chops Builder Etude

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  • Have you always wanted to improve your speed - but never enjoyed metronome practicing? This one is for you!

    Working on technique CAN be fun, even for those of us who do not enjoy metronome practicing.

    All in a neoclassic setting - we will focus on areas most people consider difficult:

    Pinky independence
    6 string arpeggios
    String skipping

    The piece loops 4 times - with a 10 bpm increase for each loop. So we’ll go from 105 bpm to 145 bpm. With the extended backing track you have the option o go all the way to 235 bpm (!).

    Tone wise I was striving for a full stack sound with a hint of Yngwie but not quite as distorted.


    105 bpm to 145 bpm

    American Deluxe 50th Anniversary strat with Bare Knuckle Boot Camp Old Guard Pickups.
    Logic pro software Amp & pedal
    Duet2 usb

    I used only the factory plugins in Logic Pro, see my settings below.

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Scrubbing / forward / rewind: arrow right, arrow left keys
Jump to start: Home or `s` , you can also click/tap the lesson part again (the numbers above player)
Go to next part: PageUP or End.
Volume: ArrowUp / ArrowDown keys
Go to any part: Number keys (combinations also possible)
Pause or play: `k` or space key
Fullscreen: `f`, esc to close
Increase / decrease speed : `+` or `-`