Slow Blues Lesson

Slow Blues

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  • Hi Guys! I’m happy to present you my lesson series "Playing the blues"! The first lesson is based on simple rhythm ideas to play a slow blues in 12/8. The videos and the exercises can seem more mechanical but I want to show you clearly the way to use this idea! After we will work on the expression and the feeling!

    The cycle lesson starts from a basic level to allow the beginner to understand all passages. You must know what you do every single moment on your guitar to be master of the musical situation. This blues is based on 4 bars of A7, 2 bars of D7, 2 bars of A7, 1 bar of E 7, 1 bar of D7, 1 bar and half A 7 and half bar of E7 to close the blues chords progression.

    But there are many others blues' that have this other structure: 1 bar of A7, 1 bar of D7, 2 bars of A7, 2 bars of D7, 2 bars of A7, and the turn around like in our video!

    Our blues: A7 A7 A7 A7 / D7 D7 / A7 A7 / E7 / D7 / A7 / a7 e7 //

    Classic blues: A7 D7 A7 A7 D7 D7 A7 A7 E7 D7 A7 a7 e7

    The difference is only on the first four bars, but the song change completely! This the two form most utilised in the blues (in particularly in the early electric blues (Muddy Waters, Buddy Guy, Robert Johnson). There is many other possibility to play a blues song!

    You can listen for example Led Zeppelin version of "I can’t quit you baby" or the original in the cess box of Willie Dixon.

    I hope you enjoyed with this lesson and good music at all GMC!
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