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Mitch Roberts

Mitch Roberts

Location:Wausau, Wisconsin
Date of Birth:December 10th, 1987
Been playing guitar since:1994

Playing guitar is a huge part of my life, It's my job, what I'm going to school for, and my biggest hobby. I have been teaching private lessons out of music stores since I was 15. I've played in various different bands throughout the years, the main two being an award winning progressive metal band, and shortly after, the longest lasting country rock band in Central Wisconsin. I've learned alot about myself from playing guitar, things like work drive, concentration and the ability to completely disregard the option of ever getting a real job! I've taken around 10 years of private instruction, and this coming september I'm attending the Musicians Institute of LA.

Playing and Influences
My musical influences have changed greatly over the years, I used to try to model my playing style after guys like John Petrucci, Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, etc. However, a few years ago I opened up to country and discovered a plethora of amazing guitar players, Guys like Brent Mason, Johnny Hiland and Danny Gatton. Lately, I've still been honing my country chops, but have been really interested in Fusion. Greg Howe, Guthrie Govan and Scott Henderson are currently getting alot of rotation in my CD player. It's hard to put my finger on what genre of music is really my favorite, as I like alot of non-guitar oriented music also.

Having taught private lessons for years before joining GMC, I have found methods of teaching that work, and hope to apply these methods in an easy to understand, personal experience. If you ever have a question about any of my material, or anything for that matter, I will be more than willing to help!

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