Modes and Chords Lesson

Modes and Chords Lesson

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  • Welcome to another modal lesson!

    This lesson is going to focus on hearing the modes and understand how to build modal chord progressions using triads.
    Triads are small 3 note chords constructed with a Root, 3rd and 5th.
    As you know, modes all follow each other. In order to build chord progressions that will work over a specific mode, we'll need a root, followed by a succession of tyriads that will contain the notes of the mode we're working on.
    This lesson is in A and will go through all the 7 modes taken out of a major scale.
    The bass stays in A and you will need to play 3 different triads that will be within the desired mode.

    The second part of the lesson is a revision of all the 3 notes per string positions.

    I hope this is helpful to you!

    Enjoy the lesson!
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