Open Chords Etude in E Major Lesson

Open Chords Etude in E Major

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  • Hi guys, Joe Kataldo here, in this lessons I'll show beautiful open chords in E major and the necessary theory to build some of your own!

    When we refer to open chords, we usually thinks to the basic positions played by beginners on the first three frets, to start learning guitars. They are a mixture of fretted notes and open notes, that's way open chords.

    The same concept can be applied to any chords creatively, building beautiful sounding new shapes

    In today study I've used all the diatonic chords from E major Key to create a pop etude:

    Imaj7 - IIm7 - IIIm7 - IVmaj7 - V7 - VIm7 - VIIm7/5b

    in combination with two fixed open strings:

    1st = E and 2nd = B

    Because E and B are notes presents in E major scales, all the chords that will came out, even if the have fancy extensions are all diatonic, because all the notes will be within the tonality of E Major.

    You can experiment with all the diatonic chords from Eminor key too, because the B and E notes still present in the E Minor Scale.

    See you next lesson,
    Joe Kataldo.

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