Eric Gales Blues Licks Lesson

Eric Gales Blues Licks

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    Welcome to my new lesson! Today I will share with you some tasty blues licks in the style of the talented guitarist Eric Gales, "(born October 29, 1974), also known as Raw Dawg, is an American blues-rock guitarist, originally hailed as a child prodigy. As of 2019 Gales has recorded eighteen albums for major record labels and has done session and tribute work."

    Here you'll find a blues solo over a 12 bars progression in E that combines his most used phrases and concepts:

    - Combining minor, major pentatonics, blues scale y Mixolydian mode.
    - Use of blues scale.
    - Following the chords.
    - Dominant arpeggios
    - Different bending types.
    - Blues phrasing.
    - Double stops.

    Let's get into Eric's amazing approaches to blues improvisation.

    I used Fractal Ax8's Suhr Badger 30, Cubase 9.5 to record audio and midi, Groove Agent for drums.

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