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Joined: 26-May 09
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Last Seen: 11th December 2009 - 06:54 PM
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My Content
10 Dec 2009
Hello all,

I've been a member for a little while, and I have been playing (in total) for about a year.

Started off with an electric, when I should have probably got an acoustic, but I learned to play on an Epiphone SG Special. I learned bits and pieces to songs here and there, barre chords and open chords. I can play simple songs like Plug in Baby, Black Dog, Stairway (Solo), Last Resort, etc. However, when I play, I feel like I am stuck. I have this entire site at my disposal, but I feel overwhelmed as if I don't know where to go next. The only thing I'm proud of is that I know how to play Under the Bridge from start to finish.

Bottom line: What I want to do is to be able to play my favorite songs. Fall of Troy, Avenged Sevenfold, Canon Rock, Cliffs of Dover, etc. But I don't feel like I am ready to learn those songs, and when I practice them relentlessly and don't get anywhere, I'm afraid that I'm going to put down the guitar because I have a hard time learning the songs, due to a lack of technique. This has happened before.

I was just curious if someone could point me in the right direction. Such as; "Go practice this, this, and this. After that, try learning this, this, and this. Then you can move on to a harder song like this and this." I feel like I learn better when I'm instructed by someone I can look up to (who is at where I want to be) of what to do, instead of having a wide array of lessons at my disposal but not knowing what to do with them.

Any help..?
3 Jun 2009
Hey guys,

I've been practicing a lot and playing much more recently. For the most part, I've realized that I can do a lot of the level 5 and under video lessons here. Anything above that usually kicks my rear end pretty badly. So I just wanted to know if there are any suggestive lessons or songs to practice that can help me slowly get to that level?
28 May 2009
Hello all,

Recently I've been practicing Teddy Geiger's "For You I Will (confidence)" and I've been having a bit of trouble. I got most of the chord changes down, but I've noticed that its hard for me to hold the pick while strumming. The pick seems to slowly but surely leave my hand, and I lose control of it throughout the song.

I could also just strum with more force and holding the pick stronger in my fingers, but there are a few chords which I play very lightly because it gives it a better, softer feel and I feel like I cannot achieve that sound that I want if I hold it as firm as I might need to. I typically use Jazz III's for playing normally, but sometimes I use Fender Mediums when I play acoustic, but I still tend to lose grip of the pick throughout.

Any tips, GMC? smile.gif
26 May 2009
I just wanted to start off by saying great lessons! I recently joined and have already found many of your lessons to be helpful and I'm trying to learn a few as we speak (or type tongue.gif).

Anyways, just recently I came across your Canon Rock video. I was extremely impressed by your tone and technique. If I ever had a guitar goal, it is to play that song at least half as well as you play it.

I was wondering if you had some time to help me devise some kind of routine or schedule that will cover most of the techniques and styles I will need to learn in order to achieve my goal of playing Canon Rock. Perhaps even just link some lessons that I should learn and follow progressively which could help, maybe? I have been playing for almost a year now, and I can play a handful of things ranging from Guns n Roses to a few Avenged Sevenfold songs, and a bunch of random solo's, like Nothing Else Matters and similar solo's.

I have started to gain a lot of motivation and inspiration since joining this site and I believe that I'd actually stick with the routine and work hard to reach my goals. Plus, I have like 5+ hours per day to devote to guitar this summer so I'm hoping on making the best of it smile.gif.

Thank you for any help, and for being awesome!
26 May 2009
Hello there fellow GMC'ers smile.gif

I'm new, just recently signed up. I came across the site a few months ago after seeing some of Kris' funny videos on youtube. I decided to browse around and loved what I saw, so here I am. =D

I am a 20 year old college student, and I've been playing for about 7 months now, on and off. I ultimately want to just be able to play my favorite songs (Avenged sevenfold, of course Canon by Jerry C, Eric Johnson, Satch, etc.) and I hope to find a set schedule or at least progressive routine guiding me in that direction.

I'm currently playing on a SG Epiphone and a Roland Microcube, hoping to up my gear as soon as I become more determined and well, better.

I'm definitely excited for signing up and I look forward to learning with you all. smile.gif

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14 Dec 2009 - 0:07

11 Dec 2009 - 12:05

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